Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cornish Game Hen with Potatoes and Herbs

I remember my mother making amazing Cornish Game Hen recipes while I was a child. Here is a recent recipe I came up with using a Cornish Game Hen. It tasted delicious!

Cornish Game Hen with Potatoes, Tomatoes and Herbs

1 Cornish Game hen
4 red potatoes
1 large tomato
¼ loose cup of fresh basil
½ tbsp fresh rosemary
2 tbsp fresh oregano
1 small sweet white onion
4 whole garlic cloves peeled
1-cup water
¼ cup melted butter
 Salt and pepper to taste

1.     Place one Cornish Game hen (with empty insides) into a deep covered baker.  Place sliced potatoes around the Cornish Game hen. 
2.     Place sliced tomato, white onion and garlic cloves on top of the potatoes. 
3.     Pour 1-cup hot water and melted butter over chicken and potato mixture. 
4.     Sprinkle basil, oregano, rosemary, salt and pepper over chicken and potato mixture.  
5.     Put cover on baker and place into a preheated oven on 400F for 1 hour and 20 minutes. 
6.     Check chicken and potatoes.  When both of these ingredients are cooked completely you can remove from oven.
7.      Let stand for a few minutes uncovered and serve.  Serves 4.